Isotope Product Rating


Beside a simple rating triggered just with a click, you can enable the whole comment form that will allow your customers to express their opinion about the products in full.

In order to do that, simply go to your product rating configuration and check the Enable comments checkbox. You will be presented with some extra fields such as comment reply notification or comment partial templates selection. By checking the Read only rating widget you ensure that rating can be only made alongside with writing the comment.

Template adjustments

To display the comments list and form on the website you have to modify the product templates (e.g. iso_reader_default.html5) once again:

<?= $this->getCommentList($this->product) ?>
<?= $this->getCommentForm($this->product) ?>

Backend management

The comments can be managed individually in the backend. If you go to the rating history of a product and edit certain record, you will be able to adjust the comment contents to your needs if necessary (e.g. if they contain abusive wording).