Isotope Product Rating


There are basically two types of notifications that extensions provides and both of them are managed in Notification Center.

  1. Product rated – the notification is sent when the product is rated.
  2. Product comment replied – the notification is sent when the backend user replies to a customer's comment.

To find out the tokens you can use, simply start typing ## in the notification text. Here are the basic tokens:

##admin_email## => E-mail address of administrator of the current page.
##recipient_email## => The author e-mail address of product rating.
##rating_date## => The date of product rating.
##rating_name## => The author name of product rating.
##rating_value## => The product rating value.
##rating_link## => A link to the rating edit form in the backend.
##rating_comment_text## => The product rating comment as plain text.
##rating_comment_html## => The product rating comment as HTML.
##rating_reply_text## => The product rating comment reply as plain text.
##rating_reply_html## => The product rating comment reply as HTML.
##product_*## => All product data.