Isotope Stock Management

Managing the stock

Managing the stock is easy due to the consistent interface. Whether you decide to manage it from the product list and modal popup or from the dedicated backend module it always comes down to creating a new stock entry.

In the edit form all you have to do is to choose the desired product and set the quantity. Additionally you can enter some notes for every entry created manually.

Important note

It is currently not possible to search the product variants in the below form. Use the Product management module and the product variant view. There you can either trigger the product stock history by clicking on the quantity badge or simply change quantity by editing the product settings.

Quantity in product settings

The product quantity can also be defined directly in the product settings. Simply edit the desired product or its variant and enter the stock quantity value you wish to achieve. Additionally, you are also able to enter the stock entry notes here.

Defining the product quantity

The product quantity can be defined in three modes. Each of them behaves differently so keep attention to what you enter!

Mode Description
Exact quantity Set the exact product quantity by entering just a number, e.g. 5.
Increase quantity Increase the product quantity by entering a number with a plus sign, e.g. +5.
Decrease quantity Decrease the product quantity by entering a number with a minus sign, e.g. -5.