
Portfolios management

The portfolio extension data structure presents itself as follows:

  1. Portfolio – 1st level, similar to news archive;
  2. Portfolio item – 2nd level, similar to a news article;
  3. Portfolio item content – 3rd level, similar to the news article content.

Aside from that, there is also a categories system, which allows you to group items in each portfolio. The categories are unique per portfolio and are not shared.

The portfolio items list view gets you an instant insight into the details of every portfolio item. It also displays a thumbnail to quickly locate the desired entry. All items are manually sortable inside each portfolio.

Portfolio item settings

Each portfolio item consists of a name and a cover image, which are mandatory. You can also optionally set the categories, extra custom information, and a full-size image.

Suppose the work is published on a different website. In that case, the URL address field allows you to specify an external reference link.

Naturally, all items can be published or unpublished, just like many other records in Contao.

Sometimes the portfolio item settings mentioned earlier may not be enough. Thus, you can add as many content elements as you'd like to, and they will be displayed on the portfolio reader page.

Categories system

The categories system can be used to organize your portfolio items into groups. This allows your visitors to filter your work instantly in the frontend while displaying the entire portfolio on the initial page load. You can use the portfolio filter frontend module to do that.