Mega menus
By default, the second and lower levels of header navigation are displayed as a simple links dropdown. To create advanced dropdowns with more content, you can use mega menus which are managed in the Mega menus
backend module.
Mega menus are a very simple content containers that are added to the header navigation as a sub-navigation. As they are built with regular content elements, they maintain the full flexibility of what Contao offers in that matter.
When creating a mega menu content, one thing to consider is the Mega menu navigation
content element. It will render a regular sub-navigation of the mega menu's parent page. This way you can still preserve the "default" behavior of a sub-navigation but enhance it with some extra content.
Adding mega menu to the page
Once your mega menu has been created, it is time to put it on the website. In order to do that, you have to find a respective page in the Site structure
, edit it and choose the appropriate mega menu from the dropdown selection: