
Panels are content containers that appear by sliding in from top, right, bottom or left side of the window. All panels on your website are managed in the Panels backend module.

Every panel is built with a set of content elements that you can create and edit by clicking an edit button with a yellow pencil. This gives a lot of flexibility when it comes to defining a panel content.


For the best experience with panel forms we recommend installing terminal42/contao-ajaxform extension.

Panel configuration allows you to set things such as panel position or overlay settings.

Adding panels to the page

The panels can be added to the page either as content elements or frontend modules:

Name Type Description
Panel Content element / frontend module Generates a selected panel with a custom trigger.

The Panel content element and frontend module allow to open panels with a custom trigger. It can be one of the followings:

Generates a link button with custom content as a panel trigger.
Text / HTML
Generates a link with custom text or HTML code as a panel trigger.
Generates an image as a panel trigger.
Set a custom trigger type in the panel frontend module.