CSS utilities

Discover CSS utilities provided out of the box to help further enrich your website.

Bootstrap 5 utilities

Being based on Bootstrap 5, Veello Theme offers some of its default utilities that come along with the library:

Bootstrap helpers and utilities
Name Description Actions
Clearfix Quickly and easily clear floated content within a container by adding a clearfix utility. Read more
Display Quickly and responsively toggle the display value of components and more with our display utilities. Read more
Flex Quickly manage the layout, alignment, and sizing of grid columns, navigation, components, and more with a full suite of responsive flexbox utilities. Read more
Float Toggle floats on any element, across any breakpoint, using our responsive float utilities. Read more
Opacity Control the opacity of elements. Read more
Overflow Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring how content overflows an element. Read more
Position Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring the position of an element. Read more
Ratio Use generated pseudo elements to make an element maintain the aspect ratio of your choosing. Perfect for responsively handling video or slideshow embeds based on the width of the parent. Read more
Sizing Easily make an element as wide or as tall with our width and height utilities. Read more
Spacing Bootstrap includes a wide range of shorthand responsive margin and padding utility classes to modify an element’s appearance. Read more
Text Documentation and examples for common text utilities to control alignment, wrapping, weight, and more. Read more
Text truncation Truncate long strings of text with an ellipsis. Read more
Vertical align Easily change the vertical alignment of inline, inline-block, inline-table, and table cell elements. Read more
Visibility Control the visibility, without modifying the display, of elements with visibility utilities. Read more
Visually hidden Use these helpers to visually hide elements but keep them accessible to assistive technologies. Read more

Custom utilities

Below you can find a complete list of our custom CSS classes which you can use as helpers:

Display utilities
CSS class Description
hide-xs Hide element on extra small devices.
hide-sm Hide element on small devices.
hide-md Hide element on medium devices.
hide-lg Hide element on large devices.
hide-xl Hide element on extra large devices.
opacity-{0,20,40,60,80,100} Set element opacity to 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%.
opacity-{0,20,40,60,80,100}-hover Set element opacity on hover to 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%.
w-100vw Set the element width to 100vw (excluding scrollbar width).
w-{xs,sm,md,lg,xl,xxl}-100vw Set the element width to 100vw for a breakpoint (excluding scrollbar width).
caption-top Display caption on the top of a table.
row-equal-height Make the child elements of a row have an equal height.
row-{xs,sm,md,lg,xl,xxl}-media-{left,right} Makes the left/right column half of the maximum width. It is useful to create a content section with an image and text next to each other.
row-{xs,sm,md,lg,xl,xxl}-media-{left,right}-stretched Makes the left/right column half of the maximum width and causes the media object in that column to fill it in entirely.
Font utilities
CSS class Description
main-color Use main color. The value is set in the design settings.
light-color Use light font color. The value is set in the design settings.
dark-color Use dark font color. The value is set in the design settings.
headline-color Use headline font color. The value is set in the design settings.
headline-font Use headline font family. The value is set in the design settings.
Image utilities
CSS class Description
image-center Center align an image container inside the element.
image-right Right align an image container inside the element.
image-full-width Make the image or an image inside the element 100% width.
image-cover-size Make an image inside the element 100% high.
image-grayscale-hover Display an image inside the element in grayscale and colorful on hover.
Spacing utilities
CSS class Description
no-margin Reset margin of the element and its all paragraphs inside it.
mb-0-last-child Reset margin bottom of the element's last child.
gutter-bottom-margin Set the margin bottom to grid gutter width.
m-{0-8}-content-margin Set margin of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
mt-{0-8}-content-margin Set margin top of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
me-{0-8}-content-margin Set margin right of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
mb-{0-8}-content-margin Set margin bottom of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
ms-{0-8}-content-margin Set margin left of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
mx-{0-8}-content-margin Set horizontal margin of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
my-{0-8}-content-margin Set vertical margin of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
p-{0-8}-content-margin Set padding of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
pt-{0-8}-content-margin Set padding top of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
pe-{0-8}-content-margin Set padding right of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
pb-{0-8}-content-margin Set padding bottom of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
ps-{0-8}-content-margin Set padding left of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
px-{0-8}-content-margin Set horizontal padding of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
py-{0-8}-content-margin Set vertical padding of the element to 0-8 size. Value is related to the Content margin design setting and every factor increases value by 0.5.
Miscellaneous utilities
CSS class Description
column-content-centered Centers the elements inside a column.
form-wrapper Styles the form elements inside the element.
vee-gallery--logos Centers the images and adds spacing between them. Works only with gallery content elements.