
Veello Theme is feature-rich software that allows you to create websites effortlessly. There are many components responsible for a variety of things. However, enabling the Veello Theme core features for your website is pretty straightforward.


Before you start configuring Veello Theme for your website, we suggest checking how to import an existing theme and create your own theme articles.

Page settings

Next to the page layout field inside the page settings, you should specify the design record to be used. This way, Veello Theme will know which design settings to load for a given page. Similar to page layout, this setting is inherited.

Choose your design in the page settings.

Page layout settings

Inside the page layout settings, you must check the box to enable Veello Theme features. This will automatically switch your page template to fe_vee and adjust a few other things.

Activate Veello Theme features in the page layout settings.
Important note

A frontend page with enabled Veello Theme features will automatically replace the default Contao templates of content elements, form fields, and frontend modules. For example, it will on the fly replace the ce_table.html5 template with ce_table_vee.html5, while generating the table content element. In the backend element settings, you will still see the ce_table.html5 template selected, however.

And that's basically it. Your page will now benefit from all Veello Theme features.